Junior Resources

Last updated: September 29, 2024


Article: Drinks for your toddler or preschooler by SickKids | About Kids Health

Article: Feeding your toddler or preschooler by SickKids | About Kids Health

Article: Vegetarian child by SickKids | About Kids Health

Article: How to help your child overcome picky eating by SickKids | About Kids Health

Website: About Feeding Therapy by feedingplus

Article: When your child is a picky eater by careforkids.cps.ca

Article: 3 Year Old Sleep Schedule: Bedtime and Nap Schedule by Amber LoRe

Well Being

Article: Toilet Training by caringforkids.cps.ca

Website: Self-Reg Parenting by The Mehrit Centre 

Article: 3 Year Old Sleep Schedule: Bedtime and Nap Schedule by Amber LoRe

Article: 3 Year Old Sleep Schedule: Bedtime and Nap Schedule by Amber LoRe

Article: Bedtime Strategies for 3 Year Olds by livelovesleep.com

Article: Transition to Childcare Tips

Technology & Learning

Article: Screen Time and Young Children by the Globe and Mail

Article: Developmentally Appropriate Toys by National Association for the Education of Young Children. 

Community Resources

Website: EarlyON Free Community Programs by City of Toronto

Website: Speech and Language Parent Resources and Parenting Support by City of Toronto

Health & Safety

Website: Recalls and Safety Alerts – Government of Canada


Article: Reading With Your Child by Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation

Article: Pandemic Impact on Children’s Literacy by Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation

Article: How to Build Language and Reading Skills At Home by Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation